WP1 lays down a foundation for NEMOSHIP solutions through the collection of (i) experiences learnt from the commercial installations and operations of about 500 BESSs across Europe on both hybrid and full-electric vessels, (ii) lessons learnt from high impact research and innovations projects that contribute in supporting the objectives of ZEWT partnership. From this background and a preliminary hazard and risks identification following a formal safety assessment (FSA), the main objectives of WP1 are to define requirements for the following WPs:
- Define the use cases and corresponding usage requirements to facilitate technical and operational transferability and specifically for both Solstad and Ponant demonstration vessels (related to project objectives 2 and 4).
- Define the technical requirements towards improving the electrical architecture of large BESSs considering a safe and modular integration and developing standardised interfaces with vessels (related to project objective 1).
- Define the technical requirements of the digital platform and tools needed to ensure optimal BESS monitoring, operations and investment decisions on the demonstration vessels (related to project objective 3).
Public deliverables:
- D1.1: Experiences learnt from BESS commercial exploitation and improvement requirements (Download)
- D1.2: Lessons learnt from ZEWT projects and from other sectors
From the requirements defined in WP1, the aim of WP2 is to design and implement a digital platform taking advantage from the large amount of data coming from previously installed ESS and above all from both demonstration vessels. This platform aims to implement a cloud infrastructure enabling secure online and bidirectional data exchange between digital threads of data, digital twins, advanced algorithms, and software for a complete and global approach. This platform will be designed in a way that it can be interfaced for all types of data flows and tools, from design engineering processes.
Public deliverables:
- D2.1: Report on specifications and infrastructure definition for the digital tool platform
Starting from the requirements defined in WP1, the aim of WP3 is to develop, assemble and deliver a containerised 1 MWh modular BESS for the Solstad demonstration vessel, enabling to improve the integration process and to combine optimally high-power (HP) and high-energy (HE) storage units. The modular BESS will need a dedicated E/E architecture and control unit for power management taking advantage of the modularity of the system (so-called BPMS for Battery Power management System) whose algorithms will be developed in WP4. From this frame, the main objectives of WP3 are to:
- Design a modular electrical architecture using off-the-shelf components for the battery modules and the power electronics and enabling the integration of heterogeneous storage units.
- Select storage units and define standardised and scalable interfaces within the vessel and provide guidelines improving the integration process (thermal, electrical and communications).
- Define and validate a modular E/E architecture between control units from BMS to vessel PMS, including BPMS in laboratory with a small-scale system (P-HiL platform).
- Integrate the full-scale system within a container and carry out preliminary electrical tests before delivering.
The design will be an output needed for the modelling and digital twin set-up in WP2 and the BPMS algorithms in WP4. The full-scale system will be commissioning for the final validation and certification on-board the Solstad demonstration vessel in WP5.
Public deliverable:
- D3.1: Modular BESS definition (architecture, storage units, interfaces)
The aim of WP4 is to develop online algorithms and management strategies to optimise the on-board exploitation of large BESS for reduced noise and emissions while improving battery lifetime and safety operation. Those developments will take advantage of the two NEMOSHIP main innovations: a new electrical architecture enabling modular BESS (WP3) and a digital platform for a data-driven optimal exploitation (WP2). It will be evaluated at three levels: system, vessel and fleet.
Starting from the demonstration requirements defined in WP1, the objective of WP5 is to demonstrate the improvement and optimisation generated for a retrofitted hybrid vessel thanks to the installation of the new 1 MWh modular BESS combined with previously installed 500 kWh ESS. This WP prepares, before the end of the second year of the project, for the installation of the newly modular BESS developed in WP3, and executes the commissioning on-board the Normand Sun, one of Solstad’s commercially operating hybrid diesel/electric OSVs. The first two years of exploitation will use the original 500 kWh ESS installed in 2018, while the final two years will use the combined 1.5 MWh ESS and the digital platform deployed for a data-driven optimisation thanks to algorithms developed in WP4. It will implement a comprehensive four-year test and evaluation program.
Public deliverables:
- D5.4: Demonstration test program
- D5.5: Exploitation results
Starting from the demonstration requirements defined in WP1, the objective of WP6 is to demonstrate the improvements generated by a data-driven optimisation of the 4.5 MWh ESS already installed on Ponant demonstration vessel. Data collected since its installation in 2021 will be gathered and used in the digital platform implemented in WP2 in order to develop and evaluate the new optimal exploitation strategies coming from WP4 developments. The WP will then implement a demonstration and test program from the start of the project without hindering the vessel’s commercial obligations. The first two years of tests will focus on the original 4.5 MWh ESS and existing management systems and monitoring strategy installed in 2021, while the final two years of tests will evaluate new multi-level management strategies coming from WP4 through the digital platform. This comprehensive four -ear program will help in defining the deployment plans in WP8.
Public deliverables:
- D6.3: Test program results and evaluation of impact on GHG emissions PU
The aim of WP7 is to evaluate the improvement and adaptability of the NEMOSHIP innovations for DC electrical networks and full-electric vessels in order to optimise charging strategy and battery size adapted to the route and to facilitate full-electric transit up to 100 nm in a short-term and to 300 nm in a mid-term. This assessment will be made through two specific full-electric use cases defined in WP1. The three main objectives of WP7 are:
- Get benefit from modular BESS implementation and demonstration in NEMOSHIP AC vessel in order to design and adapt new-design or retrofitted electrical architecture for large ESS within DC grid via cost-benefit analysis.
- Optimise the energy usage by parsing and analysing collected data from previous BESS installations on similar or scalable use cases, and replicating charging/discharging strategies and containerised BESS capacity improvement in order to extend the range of the routes of DC grid vessels for full-electric modes.
- Validate electrical architecture and energy optimisation by implementing both use cases and their operational scenarios via a small-scale (100 kWh BESS) semi-virtual evaluation and demonstration integrated into ship electrical Power HIL simulator, in order to estimate trip-based efficiency.
Public deliverables:
- D7.2: Report on applicability for full-electric vessels
- D7.3: Report on semi-virtual evaluation for full-electric vessels
The WP will focus on the final assessment of the four objectives/outcomes of the project regarding four replicability and deployment scenarios: (i) similar vessels, ii) across sectors, iii) across regions and iv) towards the future. WP8 will assess the innovative NEMOSHIP results (WP2 to WP7) and prepare for upscaling in terms of both the capacity of ESS and the number of vessels as well as for replicability across sectors/regions. The main objectives of WP8 are:
- Dealing with the increasingly challenging safety and training requirements for operation of ESSs on-board all types of vessels (assessment of objective/outcome 2).
- Facilitating the replicability to similar vessels and across sectors/regions in Europe (first 3 scenarios) through the deployment of NEMOSHIP solutions (assessment of objectives/outcomes 1 and 3).
- Meeting the challenges needed to achieve the future wide deployment of ESSs on hybrid and full-electric vessels in 2030 and 2050 to meet GHG emissions reduction objective (4th scenario assessment of objective/outcome 4).
The outputs from WP8 will support the dissemination and exploitation of the project results in WP9.
Public deliverables:
- D8.1: Report on long-term safety standards and skills needed by the crew to follow/support the safe electrification of ships PU
- D8.2: Deployment plans for modular BESS to support replicability PU
- D8.3: Deployment plans for virtual platform to support replicability PU
- D8.4: Long term deployment of marine ESS by 2030 and 2050 PU
WP9 will drive the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (DEC) actions planned to be conducted during the project, tracking the completion of the actions and managing their results
Public deliverables:
- D9.1: Communication and dissemination tools (Download)
- D9.3: DEC plan and report (Download) (under review by Granting Authority)
- D9.2: Project website (Download)
The objective of WP10 is to set out procedures and tools to manage the project in order to: (i) Coordinate the general
management activities (administrative, financial, resources (personnel, equipment…), scientific and technical), (ii)
define the project decision making bodies and procedures, (iii) provide the project with support and follow-up for the
management of knowledge, intellectual property and innovation related activities, (iv) ensure an efficient communication
of the project information among the consortium and towards the European Commission (EC), (v) follow up and manage
the generated research data.
No public deliverables.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Scientific publications
Wang, H., Valøen, L. O., Olsen, K. V., Kjeka, K. M., Fredriksen, B. M., Petiteau, M., Touat, A., Såtendal, H., Howie, A., Howey, D. A., Kandepu, R., & Hammershøj, C. F. (2024b). Lessons learned from the commercial exploitation of marine battery energy storage systems. Journal Of Energy Storage, 87, 111440. (Read it here)